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Category: Prevention and Wellness
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Eating Disorders Resources


The Eating Disorder Examination (EDE) provides a measure of the range and severity of eating disorder features. The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) is a self-reported questionnaire based on the EDE interview.

Researchers have developed community norms and an amended scoring structure for use of the EDE for adolescent boys and girls aged 14+, the EDE-A.


Scoring and interpretation

A user guide and information on scoring both the EDE-Q and EDE-A is available in the following resources:

Terms of use

The EDE-Q is under copyright, but freely available to use for non-commerical research use only and no permission need to be sought.

Futher information

Practitioners who wish to use the EDE-Q with children 14+, or who work with males with eating disorders may find this paper to be of interest:

White, H.J., Haycraft, E., Goodwin, H. & Meyer, C. (2014). Eating disorder examination questionnaire: factor structure for adolescent girls and boys. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47 (1), 99-104.

Additional community norms for young adult women (18+) for the EDE-Q are also available:

Mond, J.M., Hay, P.J., Rodgers, B. & Owen, C. (2006). Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q): Norms for young adult women. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44 (1), 53-62.

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